Transforming your outdoor space can be as simple as introducing a bit of greenery and structure with a trellis. A trellis not only supports climbing plants and vines, but it also adds a decorative element to your garden. Attaching a trellis to a brick wall may seem daunting, but with the right tools and guidance, it's a task that can significantly enhance your outdoor aesthetics. Here’s how you can securely attach a trellis to a brick wall, step by step.

Materials and Tools Needed

Before you get started, make sure you have the following:

  • Trellis
  • Heavy-duty drill
  • Masonry drill bits
  • Wall plugs specifically designed for masonry
  • Screw hooks or eyelets
  • Spirit level
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil or marker

Step 1: Choose the Right Trellis

The first step is choosing a trellis that suits both your wall size and the type of climbing plants you intend to grow. Ensure that your trellis is made from a durable material capable of withstanding weather conditions.

Step 2: Position Your Trellis

Position your trellis against the brick wall in your desired location. Use a spirit level to ensure it is perfectly horizontal. Mark the positions of the drill holes on the wall using a pencil or marker. It's advisable to drill at least four holes - two at the top and two at the bottom - to provide ample support.

Step 3: Drill the Holes

Before you start drilling, ensure you wear safety glasses to protect your eyes. Attach a masonry drill bit to your heavy-duty drill, and carefully drill holes where you've marked on the wall. Make sure the holes are slightly deeper than the length of your wall plugs.

Step 4: Insert Wall Plugs

Clean the dust from the drilled holes using a small brush or by blowing into them gently. Then, tap the wall plugs into the holes until they are flush with the wall. These plugs will help to secure the screw hooks or eyelets in place.

Step 5: Fix Screw Hooks or Eyelets

Screw the hooks or eyelets into the wall plugs. If necessary, use a screwdriver to ensure they are fixed tightly. These will act as anchor points for your trellis.

Step 6: Attach Your Trellis

With the hooks or eyelets in place, it’s time to mount your trellis. Carefully position your trellis by aligning it with the hooks or eyelets. For additional stability, you might choose to attach cable ties or garden wire through the trellis and around the hooks.

Step 7: Adjust and Secure

Once your trellis is in position, check again with a spirit level to ensure that it is perfectly horizontal. You can adjust the positioning slightly by moving the trellis up or down in the hooks or eyelets. When satisfied with its position, you might want to secure the trellis further with additional fixings at the sides.

Additional Tips

  • When selecting climbing plants for your trellis, consider the weight of mature plants to ensure your trellis can support them.
  • Regularly check the stability of your trellis, especially after extreme weather conditions.
  • To avoid damaging any hidden pipes or wires, investigate the wall area before drilling.


Attaching a trellis to a brick wall is a fantastic way to add charm and character to your garden or outdoor space. While the process requires precision and care, the end result can offer a beautiful framework for your climbing plants to thrive. With the right tools and some patience, you can transform a plain brick wall into a vibrant, living feature.